
216 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AHRENSTEDT Viktor UNIGE E‑Mail High precision time-scale calibration using U/Pb dating of zircons. Urs Schaltegger
AKKER Vénice UNIBE E‑Mail Deformation processes and associated changes in microstructure and porosity in sheet silicate rich rocks as a function of strain gradients and changing metamorphic conditions Prof. Dr. Marco Herwegh
PD Dr. Alfons Berger
ALFANO Fabrizio UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization of the Tephra deposits produced during the ongoing eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat - WI
ALLANIC Cécile UNINE E‑Mail Neogene brittle deformation within the Lepontine Dome
ALLIBON James UNIL E‑Mail Significance and petrologic evolution of pyroxenitic layered "intrusions" in the root-zone of an ocena-island volcano
ANAND Aryavart UNIBE E‑Mail Thermal evolution of Planetesimals in the Early Solar System Prof. Klaus Mezger 2022
AXELSSON Emelie UNIBE E‑Mail Rutile as a geochronometer for the quantification of orogenic processes Klaus Mezger
Igor Villa
BADOUX Vincent UNINE - ---
BAGHERI Gholamhossein UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical and experimental investigations on particle aggregation in volcanic plumes Costanza Bonadonna
BARBONI Mélanie UNIL E‑Mail Architecture and construction mechanism of continental bimodal intrusions: insight from the statified multiply recharged St.Jean-du-Doigt gabbro pluton, Britany:France François Bussy
BAUER Kerstin UNIL E‑Mail Reconstruction of alpine topography, precipitation and climate by stable isotope measurements Torsten Vennemann (Universite de Lausanne)
Andreas Mulch (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
BAUVILLE Arthur UNIL E‑Mail Deformation mechanism in the Morcles fold nappe (Helvetic nappes, Switzerland) S. M. Schmalholz
BEAUDOIN Georges -
BELGRANO Thomas UNIBE E‑Mail Sub-seafloor fluid pathways, hydrothermal alteration and VMS deposits in the Semail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman. Larryn Diamond
BELLVER BACA María Teresa UNIGE E‑Mail Magmatic and time-scale factors controlling the association of porphyry-type deposits with high Sr/y magmas Massimo Chiaradia
BENDEZU Aldo UNIGE E‑Mail Geology of Morococha District
BENDEZU Ronner UNIGE - ---
BERGEMANN Christian UNIGE E‑Mail Age and crystallisation duration of Alpine cleft monazite and correlation with tectonically driven hydrothermal dissolution/precipitation events E. Gnos (UNIGE)
Dr. Edwin Gnos
BERNARD Ellina UNIBE E‑Mail Study of the interface Clay-Cement
BESSAT Annelore UNIL E‑Mail Modelisation of metasomatic processes in the lithosphere Sébastien Pilet
Stefan Schmalholz
BIASS Sébastien UNIGE E‑Mail --- Costanza Bonadonna
BLANC Claire UNIFR - 18th century fayence manufacturing in Fribourg
BODNER Robert UNIL E‑Mail The contact metamorphism of the Torres del Paine intrusion Lukas Baumgartner
BOEKHOUT Flora UNIGE E‑Mail Evolution and geodynamic setting of Jurassic magmatism in coastal southern Peru.
BONTA Madalina UNIFR E‑Mail Archaeometallurgy of iron slags Prof. Vincent Serneels
BOREL Julien UNINE - ---
BOTTER Cédric UNIFR E‑Mail Environmental Mineralogy and Volcanology Bernard Grobéty
BOUVET DE MAISONNEUVE Caroline UNIGE E‑Mail Physical Volcanology and Petrology of Llaima Pyroclastic Deposits M. A. Dungan
BOVAY Thomas UNIBE - Tracing the invisible path of fluids in the crust with microscale oxygen isotope measurments in key metamorphic minerals Daniela Rubatto
BRAISSANT Olivier UNINE - Biominéralisation et cycle du carbone
BRETSCHER Annette UNIBE E‑Mail The mineral and fluid chemistry of high pressure serpentinite dehydration PD Dr. Thomas Pettke
BRODERICK Cindy UNIGE E‑Mail Resolving timescales of magma evolution through isotopic and chemical analysis of accessory minerals Urs Schaltegger
BROGI Federico UNIGE E‑Mail Combining numerical modelling and geophysical monitoring for the development of new ash-dispersal-forecasting strategies.
BUCHS Nicolas UNIL E‑Mail Geology of the Nidar - Tso Morari area (Indian Himalayas, Ladakh): From intra-oceanic subduction to nappe exhumation Prof. Jean-Luc Epard
BURN Marco UNIBE E‑Mail PTtd-evolution of Austroalpine outliers in the Western Alps Prof. Martin Engi
CAILLEAU Guillaume UNINE E‑Mail ---
CALDER Michael UNIGE E‑Mail Zonation, paragenesis and fluid evolution from the root to top of the Far Southeast porphyry deposit, Mankayan district, Philippines Robert Moritz
Zhaoshan Chang (James Cook University)
CANDIOTI Lorenzo Giuseppe UNIL E‑Mail Mathematical modelling of collision orogens Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Schmalholz
CASANOVA Vincent UNIGE E‑Mail Fluid evolution in the magmatic hydrothermal systems at cerro de pasco and colquijirca, Peru Luis Fontboté
Kalin Kouzmanov
CATCHPOLE Honza UNIGE E‑Mail Mineralogical and geochemical characterisation of polymetallic and precious metal mineralisation in the Miocene Morococha District, Central Peru
CHALUMEAU Laurent UNINE - Sédimentation lacustre à la charnière holocène
CHAPPATTE Damien UNIL - simulation of stromatolites growth.
CHELLE-MICHOU Cyril UNIGE E‑Mail Geochronologic and petrologic evolution of the Yauri-Andahuaylas batholith and the formation of a porphyry-skarn Cu deposit (Corrocohuayco, Tintaya cluster, southern Peru) Massimo Chiaradia 2013
CLERC Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail Deep geothermal energy Prof. Andrea Moscariello (Unige)
Prof. Philippe Renard (Unine)
COCHRANE Ryan UNIGE E‑Mail Geochronology, Thermochronology and Tectonics of the Northern Andes Prof. Urs Schaltegger
Dr. Richard Spikings
COOPER Lauren UNIGE E‑Mail ---
COSTANTINI Licia UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding basaltic explosive volcanism
CURRY Adam UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding the frequency and magnitude of volcanic eruptions in light of physical magmatic-volcanic processes in the central San Juan caldera cluster, CO, USA Luca Caricchi 2020
DARBELLAY Bastien UNIL - ---
DE MEYER Caroline UNIL E‑Mail
DECRAENE Marie-Noëlle UNIL - Biological vs diagenetic controls in microbialites from spatially resolved isotopes in pyrite Johanna Marin Carbonne 2022
DEGRUYTER Wim UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization of juvenile pyroclasts from the Kos-Nisyros Volcanic center (Aegean Arc)
DESSIMOZ Mathias UNIL E‑Mail Epidote geochemistry in cal-alkaline rocks.
DIELFORDER Armin UNIBE E‑Mail Quantitative investigation of the spatial distribution, 3D geometries and evolution of fluid pathways in siliciclastic rocks. Marco Herwegh
Alfons Berger
DOMMERGUES Cyril UNINE - Modélisation des croissances organo-minérales
DUNGAN Michael UNIGE E‑Mail ---
DURETZ Thibault UNIL E‑Mail Shear localisation and ductile nappe formation in the Alps
EDWARDS Matthew UNIGE E‑Mail Fragmentation of mafic magmas Dr Laura Pioli
EFIMENKO Natalia UNIL E‑Mail Origin of cadmium enrichments in carbonate rocks deposited in the Alpine Tethys area during the Middle-Late Jurassic. Karl B. Föllmi
EL KORH Afifé UNIFR E‑Mail Geochemical fingerprints of devolatilization reactions in the high-pressure rock of Ile de Groix, France (thesis UNIGE) 2010
FERRO Katia UNIL - Le cycle oxalate-carbonate et la structuration du sol
FLORES Kennet UNIL - Jurassic-Late Cretaceous oceanic assemblages and arc-derived sediments south of Chortis Block (NE Nicaragua to NW Costa Rica)
FORTES DE LENA Luis Otavio UNIGE E‑Mail Calibrating the Jurassic using high-precision U-Pb zircon geochronology Urs Schaltegger
FRIES Allan UNIGE E‑Mail Experimental characterisation of gravitational instabilities in volcanic clouds Costanza Bonadonna
GAUCHAT Karin UNIL - ---
GEORGATOU Ariadni Afroditi UNIGE E‑Mail Behaviour of chalcophile metals during crustal evolution in subduction and post-subduction magmas Dr. Chiaradia Massimo
GHAZIPOUR Neda UNIGE - Study of landslides in the Zagros mountain belt (Iran) Guy Simpson
GILGANNON James UNIBE E‑Mail Transitioning rheologies in sheet silicate bearing rocks: Insights from microstructures and thermo-mechanical modelling Prof. Dr. M. Herwegh
PD Dr. A. Berger
GILGEN Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail Gold-bearing VMS deposits in the Oman ophiolite Prof. Dr. Larryn W. Diamond
Prof. Dr. Ivan Mercolli
GINIBRE Catherine UNIGE - ---
GIUNTOLI Francesco UNIBE E‑Mail Structural and metamorphic petrology Martin Engi
GLUNK Christina UNIL E‑Mail Biominéralisations carbonatées dans les tapis microbiens
GREBER Nicolas UNIBE E‑Mail Molybdenum isotope fractionation in hydrothermal and igneous systems Prof. Thomas F. Nägler
GRUBER Marius UNIFR E‑Mail 3D Modeling of the Fribourg Area, Western Swiss Molasse Basin, switzerland Jon Mosar
GUERRA Ivan UNIL E‑Mail Fault and Fluids: deep Penetration of Meteoric Waters into the Alps during their Exhumation
HÄNNI Mikaël UNIFR - ---
HANTSCHE Aaron UNIGE E‑Mail Distal Skarn formation and metallogenesis: Geochemical and isotopic evidence from distal carbonate replacement and skarn-hosted ore bodies Dr. Kalin Kouzmanov
Robert Moritz
HARLAUX Matthieu UNIGE E‑Mail Multi-isotopic and trace element study at the Sn-(Cu) district of San Rafael
HARTUNG Eva UNIGE E‑Mail Melt segregation processes in magma chambers Dr. Luca Caricchi 2018
HAUSER Anne-Cécile UNIL E‑Mail Architecture and construction mechanisms of the Punta Falcone intrusion (Sardinia, Italy) François Bussy
HIGGINS Oliver UNIGE E‑Mail A geochemical and petrological study to constrain the magmatic history of St Kitts and Nevis (Lesser Antilles) Luca Caricchi
Jonathon Blundy
HIN Remco ETHZ E‑Mail
HOLLOWAY Isabelle UNIL - ---
HONISCH Maria UNIL E‑Mail Cognate macrocrysts in alkaline ultramafic magmas: towards the reconstruction of the phase assemblage and geochemical characteristics of the magma source region and magmatic residue
HÜRLIMANN Niklaus UNIL E‑Mail Petrology, geochemistry and structural geology of post-plutonic mafic dikes Othmar Muntener
Peter Ulmer
JENSEN Max UNIGE E‑Mail Magmatic evolution and the recurrence rate of volcanic eruptions by petrology and geochronology Dr. Luca Caricchi
JORGENSON Corin UNIGE - Consequences of magma-co2 interaction for mafic-alkaline magmas at Colli Albani Dr. Luca Caricchi 2024
JOURDAN Anne-Lise UNINE E‑Mail Controls on mineral-fluid oxygen isotope fractionations in specific geologic systems
KAESER Benjamin UNINE - The oceanic mantle as an important repository for light elements
KALT Angelika UNINE E‑Mail ---
KANG Jisuk UNIBE E‑Mail Pb isotope related with Deposits
KEMPF Elias UNIBE E‑Mail Trace elements in olivine
KISS Dániel UNIL E‑Mail Computational tectonics and geodynamics, Morcles nappe. Prof. Stefan Schmalholz
KOCSIS Laszlo UNIL E‑Mail ---
KÖNIG Daniela UNIFR E‑Mail Céramique techniques d'époque romaine Prof. Vincent Serneels
LAFAY Romain UNIL E‑Mail Serpentinitization Hydrothermal alteration Trace Element partitioning Lukas P. Baumgartner
LAMBERT Renske UNIL E‑Mail Luminescence thermochronometry
LE LAY Clémence UNIL E‑Mail A better understanding of melt inclusions compositional and isotopic variability Lukas Baumgartner
Anne-Sophie Bouvier
LEUTHOLD Julien UNIL E‑Mail Petrologic, isotopic and structural study of mafic rocks, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile Prof. Othmar Müntener
Prof. Lukas Baumgartner
LHEMON Maëlle UNIL E‑Mail La pierre ollaire en suisse occidentale
Thierry Luginbuhl, Vincent Serneels
LICUL Aleksandar UNIL E‑Mail Modelling glacier flow and glacier erosion Frédéric Herman
LIU Jiahui UNIBE E‑Mail Metamorphism and tectonic significance of Fuping and its adjacent area Prof. Pierre Lanari
LIU Yanrong UNIGE E‑Mail Examining the validity of geochemical signatures as proxy from the state of Earth systems
LORENZO Ronny UNIFR E‑Mail Sources and Characteristics of Fine and Ultrafine Particles in Ambient Air
LUISIER Cindy UNIL E‑Mail Pressure variations in the Monte Rosa nappe Lukas Baumgartner
Stefan Schmalholz
MAIR David UNIBE E‑Mail Application of the Radio-Moun-Tomography on the Eiger/Jungfrau region Fritz Schlunegger 2019
MALTESE Alessandro UNIBE E‑Mail Evolution of Earth's early crust-mantle differentiation
MANZINI Mélina UNIL - Cl isotopes in subduction zones Lukas Baumgartner
Anne-Sophie Bouvier
MARGER Katharina UNIL E‑Mail Halogen behaviour during prograde and retrograde contact metamorphism (Little Cottonwood, Utah, USA) Lukas Baumgartner
MARTON Istvan UNIGE E‑Mail ---
MCCARTHY Anders UNIL E‑Mail Mechanisms of Comb layering formation in shallow calc-alkaline plutonic rocks Othmar Müntener
MEDERER Johannes UNIGE E‑Mail Jurassic base and precious metal ore deposit of Kapan, Southern Armenia : a geodynamic, mineralogical and geochemical characterization
MEIER Mario UNIFR E‑Mail Single particle analysis of aerosol particles Prof. Dr. Bernard Grobéty
METTASCH Sylvia UNIL E‑Mail Contact metamorphism of the Permian siliceoclastic units in the southern Adamello, Italy Prof. Lukas Baumgartner
MHLAMBI Sanelisiwe UNIGE E‑Mail Geomechanics and Carbon Capture and Storage Prof. Elias Samankassou 2024
MICHEL Jürgen UNIL - ---
MINA Vincent UNINE -
MISKOVIC Aleksandar UNIGE - ---
MOCK Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail 3D Modelling of the Swiss Molasse Basin in the Canton of Bern Marco Herwegh
MOREL Mélissa UNIFR - Iron metallurgy in Northeastern Madagascar from the 9th century to the 15th century CE. Vincent Serneels
NAUMENKO-DÈZES Mariia UNIBE E‑Mail 40K-40Ca, 40K-40Ar and 87Rb-87Sr decay constant intercalibration and the 40K branching ratio Prof. Igor M. Villa
Prof. Thomas Nägler
NFORMIDAH Siggy UNIBE E‑Mail Relationship between volatiles and metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Prof. Joerg Hermann
NGO NLEND Christiane Diorlette UNIL E‑Mail Pétrogenèse des Méta-granitoïdes à l'ouest de la chaîne panafricaine d'Afrique centrale : Implications géodynamiques
NORMAND Raphaël UNIGE E‑Mail Geomorphological and sedimentological signals of deformation in a silent subduction zone: An investigation in the Makran (Iran) Dr Guy Simpson
O'SULLIVAN Edel UNIBE E‑Mail Constraints on Molybdenum Sources and Sinks of the Neoproterozoic Ocean as an Approach to Palaeoredox Conditions: the River Water Analogue and the Microbialite Archive Prof. Thomas Nägler 2020
OMLIN Samuel UNIL - Near Peak Perfomance Parallel Implementations on CPU and GPU clusters of Nonlinear Geodynamic applications using numerical convergence accelerators Prof. Yuri Podladchikov
PANDEY Om Prakash UNIBE E‑Mail Earth's Archean crust evolution. Prof. Klaus Mezger
PAPE Jonas UNIBE E‑Mail 26Al-26Mg dating of meteorites. Extinct radionuclides. Early solar system. Prof. Klaus Mezger
PARMIGIANI Andrea UNIGE E‑Mail Lattice-Boltzmann model applied to volcanology
PATHAK Dipankar UNIBE E‑Mail Isotope Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry: Origin of Volatiles in Planets Prof. Klaus Mezger
PAUL André Navin UNIGE E‑Mail Advancing U-Pb high temperature thermochronology by combining single grain and intra-grain dating R. Spikings
Urs Schaltegger
PERRET Sébastien UNIFR E‑Mail Ancient iron metallurgy in Mali
PEVERELLI Veronica UNIBE E‑Mail Characterization of epidotes in the Aar Massif 2022
PICAZO Suzanne UNIL E‑Mail mantle petrology
PINGET Marie-Caroline UNIGE - Supergene enrichment and exotic mineralization study at Chuquicamata, Chile Lluis Fontbote
Bernhard Dold, University of Concepción, Chile
PIOLI Laura UNIGE E‑Mail Physical volcanology
PISTONE Mattia UNIL E‑Mail Physical properties of crystal-and bubble-bearing magmas Prof. Peter Ulmer (ETH-Zurich)
Prof. Luca Caricchi (University of Geneva)
POHLNER Johannes UNIFR E‑Mail Iron isotope fractionation and geochemical cycling in Variscan eclogites during subduction zone metamorphism Afifé El Korh
Bernard Grobéty
POLLASTRI Stefano UNIGE E‑Mail Experimental and field investigation of volcanic particles aggregation processes Costanza Bonadonna
POPOV Daniil UNIGE E‑Mail Advancing alkali feldspar and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology Richard Spikings
Urs Schaltegger
QUILICHINI Antoine UNIL E‑Mail Permeability and rheology of extensional detachments. Torsten Vennemann (IMG, UNIL)
Christian Teyssier (Univ. of Minneapolis, MN, USA)
RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO Cristobal UNIL E‑Mail Miocene intrusions in Southern Patagonia - a possible link to ridge subduction.
RÄSS Ludovic UNIL E‑Mail Numerical modelling, geodynamics, multi-phase flow Yuri Podladchikov
Nina Simon
RAUSCH Juanita UNIFR E‑Mail Magma-water interaction between pyroclast populations and external water at variable magma/water ratios. Bernard Grobéty
Hans-Ulrich Schmincke
RAVINDRAN Arathy UNIBE E‑Mail Genesis of Continents- A Detailed Geochemical and Chronological Study of the Dharwar Craton Prof. Dr. Klaus Mezger
REITSMA Mariël UNIGE E‑Mail The birth and death of an intracontinental rift: The Mitu group in Southern Peru
REUBI Olivier UNIGE E‑Mail
REYMOND Caroline UNIL E‑Mail
REZEAU Hervé UNIGE E‑Mail Ore deposit in south armenia, Lesser Caucasus Robert Moritz
RICCHI Emmanuelle UNIGE E‑Mail Age and crystallization duration of Alpine cleft monazite and correlation with tectonically-driven hydrothermal dissolution/precipitation events. Edwin Gnos
Urs Schaltegger
ROBIN Christophe UNINE -
RODRIGUEZ Carolina UNIGE - Petrology of Holocene adakitic dacites from Nevado de Longavi volcano
ROSÉN Åke UNIBE E‑Mail Meteoritics. Low-background Gamma Spectroscopy study on young meteorites. Beda Hofmann
ROTTIER Bertrand UNIGE E‑Mail "Tracing fluid evolution at the Cerro de Pasco cordilleran base metal deposit (central Peru)-Identification and definition of the different hydrothermal events" Lluis Fontboté
Kalin Kouzmanov
SAINTILAN Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail Spatial controls, age and origin of stratabound sandstone-hosted and vein Pb-Zn deposits in the Swedish Caledonides Prof. Lluís Fontboté
Michael Stephens, Geological Survey of Sweden
SCHÜTTE Philip UNIGE - ---
SEITZ Susanne UNIL E‑Mail Fitz Roy Plutonic Complex – contact-metamorphism and deformation
SELLES Daniel UNIGE - Geology, volcanic stratigraphy, geochronology, and petrology of Nevado de Longavi volcano
SEO Jung Hun ETHZ E‑Mail Sulfur geochemistry in magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits Prof. Christoph A. Heinrich
Dr. Marcel Guillong
SERGEEV Dmitry UNIL E‑Mail Pyroxenites in ophiolites: a case for lithological heterogeneities in the oceanic upper mantle?
SIMICEVIC Aleksandra UNIGE E‑Mail A new multi-disciplinary model for the assessment and reduction of volcanic risk: the example of the island of Vulcano, Italy Prof. Costanza Bonadonna
SIRON Guillaume UNIL E‑Mail Fluorine, chlorine and OH content in biotite during contact metamorphism. Lukas Baumgartner
SKOPELITIS Alexandra UNIGE E‑Mail The fourth dimension : Resolving the time-scale of magma evolution
SKORA Susanne UNIL - ---
SOULIGNAC Raphaëlle UNIFR E‑Mail Archaeometrical study of smithing slags and Ethnoarchaeology of smithing workshops in Mali Vincent Serneels
SPITZ Richard UNIL E‑Mail 3D Modelling, fold nappes Stefan Schmalholz
STEINBAUER Veit UNIBE E‑Mail "Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems" Prof. Dr. Marco Herwegh Institute of Geological Sciences University of Bern Baltzerstrasse 1+3 CH-3012 Bern
Roger Zurbriggen
STEINMETZ Lukas UNIFR E‑Mail Lock-in thermography for the analysis of plasmonic nanomaterials Prof. Alke Petri-Fink
Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
SÜSSENBERGER Annette UNIGE E‑Mail Thermal evolution of the Upper Jurassic to Tertiary sedimentary sequence in the Patagonian fold-and-thrust belt and the Magellanes foreland Basin (51°30'S)- clay minerals and carbonaceous material PD Dr. Susanne Schmidt
SZAPPANOSNÉ VÁGÓ Edina UNIGE - Gold deposit in the Eastern Andean Cordillera: a 800km long intrusion - related or orogenic gold deposit belt? Dr. Robert Moritz
TEDESCHI Mahyra UNIBE E‑Mail PhD Tittle: Southern Brasília Orogen: From subduction to collision (unravelling the evolution from the arc generation to the suture) PhD Sandwich Plan: Migmatization in the Southern Brasília Orogen: unravelling the pressure-temperature-time evolution and its relation to the building of the Brasília Orogen Professor Daniela Rubatto - University of Bern
Professor Joerg Hermann -University of Bern
TOMÉ Cristina UNIGE E‑Mail Fluid and melt inclusion study of magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization in the Ossa Morena Zone (SW of Spain)
TORNARE Evelyne UNIL E‑Mail Vertically layered mafic cumulates in the root zone of an ocean island volcano (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands); implications for magma differentiation François Bussy
TRITTSCHACK Roy UNIFR - Dehydroxylation kinetics of the serpentine group minerals Bernard Grobéty 2013
TSUNEMATSU Kae UNIGE E‑Mail Applying Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for the study of Transport and Deposition of Volcanic Particles
VAN DER LELIJ Roelant UNIGE E‑Mail Reconstructing north-western Gondwana with implications for the evolution of the Iapetus and Rheic Oceans: a geochronological, thermochronological and geochemical study Prof. Urs Schaltegger, UNIGE
Dr. Richard Spikings, UNIGE
VANCOLEN Séverine UNINE - ---
VELASQUEZ Mariluz UNIGE E‑Mail Molecular & isotopic biogeochemistry of Neoproterozoic sediments from SW-Gondwana
VERBERNE Roel UNIL E‑Mail Petrological and rheological constraints on calc-alkaline batholith formation Peter Ulmer
Othmar Müntener
VHO Alice UNIBE E‑Mail Fluid path in subducting crust (Sesia Zone, Italy): trace element and microscale oxygen isotope records in key metamorphic minerals
VILLAGOMEZ Diego UNIGE E‑Mail Accretionary and post-accretionary cooling, exhumation and tectonic history of the central and western Andes of Colombia
VILS Flurin UNINE - ---
VISNJEVIC Vjeran UNIL E‑Mail Large-scale erosion modeling and glacier climate interaction in the Alps
WACZEK Zsofia UNIL - Hydrogen isotope fractionations between amphiboles, micas and fluids
WALDVOGEL Marius UNIBE - Waterproofing membranes with enhanced mechanical properties Prof. Dr. Marco Herwegh
WEBER Gregor UNIGE E‑Mail Periodicity and evolution of volcanic activity; Petrology and Geochronology Luca Caricchi
WIDMANN Philipp UNIGE E‑Mail High precision dating of environmental responses during smithian-spatian biotic crisis Prof. Urs Schaltegger
WIEDENMANN Daniel UNIFR E‑Mail Development and characterization of new membranes for electrolysis and fuel cell applications
WOTZLAW Jörn-Frederik UNIGE E‑Mail ---
ZHANG Qian UNIBE E‑Mail Orogenic process of the Dunhuang Orogenic Belt