Courses and meetings

There are three basic categories of course activities within the DPMS:

  • (ME) acquiring scientific tools: courses on imaging, analytical and modeling techniques.
  • (SB) acquiring a broad scientific background: conferences on scientific topics of general interest in Mineral Sciences.
  • (SK) acquiring soft skills: oral and poster presentations given by the doctoral students, conferences and workshops on soft skills.

For detailed information on course categories.
For practical information on location, travel expenses, etc...

Cat. Title Location Map [d] Speakers Dates Places
Swiss Geoscience Meeting - Basel UNIBAS 1731020400 November 8-9 2024 12 / 35 registration
DPMS Day UNIBE 1732230000 November 22 2024 10 / 45 registration
Discovering the Fascinating Geology of Colombia: 750 Ma Recorded in Rocks, Volcanoes, and Mineral Resources. Colombia

Dr. Lucia Dominguez, UNIGE (Stage 2) Dr. Richard Spikings, UNIGE (Stage 3) Dr. Pedro Patarroyo, Colombian (Stage 1) Dr. Marta Calvache or Dr. John Londoño - Geological survey of Colombia (Stage 2) Juan Carlos Molano (Stage 3) Andrés Rodríguez (Stage

1706396400 28th of Jan - 10th of Feb 2024 18 / 18
Communicating Geoscience: Principles, Practices, and Strategies for Public Engagement UNIGE

Pre Costanza Bonadonna, UNIGE Mme Anna Scolobig, UNIGE Pr. Iain Stewart, Royal Scientific Society, Jordan Pr Tommaso Venturini, UNIGE Ruxandra Stoicescu, Swiss Network for International Studies, Geneva Rhea Katsanakis, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Geneva

1708988400 27th-29th of Feb 2024 15 / 15
Safety and First Aid in the Field UNIBE

Dr Michelle Wright, General Practicioner Health First Amanda Gaille, Nurse Health First 1 enseignant à détermine

1710975600 21st-22nd of March 2024 12 / 12