Detailed information about the course
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Title | DPMS Day - Online meeting |
Dates | November 27th 2020 |
Responsible | Bernard Grobéty |
Organizer(s) | PD Dre Afifé El Korh, UNIFR Prof. Bernard Grobéty, UNIFR |
Speakers | |
Description | Ces journées de conférence permettent aux doctorants de présenter l'avancement le projet de leur recherche et de bénéficier de l'apport critique des différents membres de notre programme (étudiants, chercheurs avancés et professeurs). – Inscription obligatoire
The DPMS day is a one-day conference, where PhD students are welcome to present their research project and results in the form of 15-20 min talks. PhD students can benefit from the critical input of the members of our doctoral program (students, advanced researchers and professors). – Registration is mandatory |
Location |
Credits | 0.5 |
Information | |
Places | 50 |
Deadline for registration | 20.11.2020 |