PhD students

97 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AHMAD Qasid UNIBE E‑Mail Assessing element recycling within subduction zones based on metal isotopes Martin Wille Klaus Mezger 2023
ALI Mubashir UNIGE E‑Mail The past as the key to the imminent future: reconstructing climate evolution from the geological record Prof.Sebastien Castelltort 2025
ALUÇ Ali UNIGE E‑Mail Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution and Geological Framework of the Kirazlı Epithermal Au and Porphyry Cu deposits Prof. Dr. Robert Moritz
Prof. Dr. İlkay Kuşcu (MSKU)
ANTOINE Clémentine UNIGE E‑Mail U-Pb geochronology on the Drakensberg volcanic province (South Africa) Professor Urs Schaltegger 2023
ARIZA ACERO María Margarita UNIL E‑Mail Garnet growth Lukas Baumgartner
Tom Foster
BHATTACHARYYA Ankan UNIBE E‑Mail Distribution of trace elements in garnet in high-grade rocks. Prof. Daniela Rubatto
Prof. Jorg Hermann
BILIR Mustafa Erde UNIGE E‑Mail Characterization, Genesis and Triggers for the Formation of Hot Maden Cu-Au Mineralization System, NE Turkey Prof. Robert Moritz
Prof. Ilkay Kuscu
CACCIATORE Enzo-Enrico UNIGE E‑Mail The interplay between magma redox and magma differentiation in arc settings: phase equilibrium constraints and the development of new oxybarometers Prof. Dr. Zoltán Zajacz 2025
CARRASCO Hugo UNIGE E‑Mail Development of magma geochemistry fertility tools applied to the exploration of porphyry Cu deposits in Ecuado Massimo Chiaradia 2026
CHATTERJEE Sukalpa UNIBE E‑Mail Isotope Geochemistry Klaus Mezger 2023
DE LEIJER Noralinde UNIL E‑Mail Mineral compositon systematics in metapelitic field gradients under crustal conditions. Pierre Lanari
DEGEN Sarah UNIBE E‑Mail Carbon and Hydrogen in the lower crust Prof. Dr. Jörg Hermann
Prof. Dr. Daniela Rubatto
DÍAZ VECINO María Carolina UNIGE E‑Mail Field and experimental investigations on tephra transport and sedimentation from volcanic plumes Costanza Bonadonna 2026
DIETRICH Julia UNIBE E‑Mail Ferric iron systematics in coexisting minerals of hydrous mantle rocks with progressive subduction Prof. Thomas Pettke
Prof. Pierre Lanari
DOMINGUEZ Hugo UNIBE E‑Mail Simulation of reactive two-phase fluid flows in medium to high-grade metamorphic terranes. Pierre Lanari
DRVODERIC Sebastian UNIBE E‑Mail 3D Modelling of the Swiss Prealps Prof. Dr. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Dr. Fritz Schlunegger
DUPLA Xavier UNIL E‑Mail Enhanced weathering of silicates Stephanie Grand 2023
ESPINEL PACHÓN Iván Mateo UNIGE E‑Mail Controls on the redox evolution of arc magmas at continental margins Zoltan Zajacz
FURLAN Matteo UNIBE E‑Mail 3D modeling of the Helvetic, Swiss Alps Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger Prof. Fritz Schlunegger Dr. Ferdinando Musso Piantelli
GALDINI Selena UNIL E‑Mail Geochemical study of petit spot volcanoes, Japan Dr. Sébastien Pilet 2022
GENNARO Ivano UNIGE E‑Mail The control of silicate melt composition and magma emplacement depth on the ore-forming potential of magmatic fluids Zoltan Zajacz 2024
GIALLI Stefano UNIGE E‑Mail Magmatic-Hydrothermal transition in the world class Sn District of San Rafael, Perù. Lluis Fontboté
Kalin Kouzmanov
GROCOLAS Thomas UNIL E‑Mail Melt segregation and crystal accumulation processes and timescales within the Adamello batholith (Italy) Othmar Müntener 2024
GROSJEAN Marion UNIGE E‑Mail Subduction to post-collision magmatic timing of the Lesser Caucasus: new constraints for its geodynamic evolution Pr. Robert Moritz
HALTER William UNIL E‑Mail Tectonics & geodynamics, numerical modelling Stefan Schmalholz
HARTMEIER Philip UNIL E‑Mail Inversion of thermodynamic parameters from the natural record metapelitic sequences. Pierre Lanari
HOFFMANN Jan UNIBE E‑Mail Stable isotope anomalies in chondritic components (Ca, Ba, Mo) Prof. Dr. Klaus Mezger
JAIMES GUTIERREZ Rocio del Pilar UNIGE E‑Mail Chemical weathering response to extreme global warming during Paleocene Eocene Hyperthermals, Southern Pyrenees, Spain Prof. Sébastien Castelltort
Prof. Emmanuelle Pucéat
JAKOBSSON Vidar UNIGE E‑Mail Exploring the main assumptions in thermochronology using the Ar-method on muscovite Richard Alan Spikings 2026
JORDAN Maud UNIL E‑Mail Alkaline magma formation at plate boundaries: insight in the Alexandra Volcanic chain, North Island, NZ Prof. Sébastien Pilet 2024
JOSSEVEL Christophe UNIL E‑Mail Géologie des Alpes Pennines - Relation socle-couverture autour de la nappe du Mont-Rose Jean-Luc Epard 2023
JOST Clothilde UNIGE E‑Mail Linking the petrological evolution of magmatic systems to the magnitude and duration of volcanic eruptions Prof. Luca Caricchi 2028
KAEHNE Alea Zoe UNIL E‑Mail A novel perspective on the composition and evolution of the early continental crust from combined Lu-Hf and Sr isotopes in apatite Othmar Müntener
Jack Gillespie
KAPURI Kingshuk UNIBE E‑Mail Rift initiation in the lower to middle crust Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Daniela Rubatto
KATHERAS Anita UNIBE E‑Mail Atomistic modeling of Pu and Tc uptake by magnetite Sergey V. Churakov 2025
KAUFMANN Anne UNIBE - Element distribution and heavy stable isotope fractionation at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition
KRUTTASCH Pascal UNIBE E‑Mail Timing of chondrule formation Prof. Dr. Klaus Mezger
KUSHWAHA Aman UNIL E‑Mail Crustal melting in Higher Himalaya Crystallines along Sutlej Valley Prof. Sandeep Singh 2025
LACHAVANNE Carole jeanne UNIBE E‑Mail Geological, geochemical and geochronological study of hydrothermal mineral formations in the Muzo emerald deposits and comparison with further emerald deposits in Colombia (provisional title) Prof. Thomas Pettke, University of Bern
Dr. Michael S. Krzemnicki (Swiss Gemmological Institut, SSEF) Dr. Lawrence Snee (Global Gems and Geology, LLC)
LACINA Mareike UNINE E‑Mail Sorption, oxidation and substitution of Manganese on magnetite (Fe3O4) and its effect on the Arsenic geochemistry at redox-interfaces Prof. Dr. Laurel ThomasArrigo 2027
LEKOETJE Thoriso UNIGE E‑Mail Deciphering Geological Complexity in the Kunene Complex: A Multidisciplinary Approach Integrating U-Pb Geochronology, Pb-Diffusion Mechanisms, Rb-Sr Analyses, and Trace Isotopes Professor Urs Schaltergger
Professor Grant Bybee
LEMKE Kim UNIL E‑Mail Thermal properties of the lower continental crust (DIVE project) Prof. György Hetényi (UNIL)
Prof. Klaus Holliger (UNIL)
LEMUS Jonathan UNIGE E‑Mail Modelling of Gravitational Instabilities at the base of Volcanic Plumes Costanza Bonadonna
LOTH Lili UNIGE E‑Mail Volatile cycling and magma degassing on Earth and Exoplanets: a window into the geodynamics of planetary bodies Luca Caricchi
Nicolas Greber
LÜDER Mona UNIBE E‑Mail H2O in Rutile and the Onset of Cold Subduction Prof. Dr. Jörg Hermann
Prof. Dr. Daniela Rubatto
LUO Xingjun UNIGE E‑Mail Episodic oblique rifting events using InSAR time series and Seismicity (2016 – 2022), Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) Joel Ruch
LUO Zheng UNIL E‑Mail Seismic modeling for the lower crust in Ivera zone
MACHEREL Emilie UNIL E‑Mail Géodynamique numérique Stefan Schmalholz 2023
MANNINI Stefano UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding recurrent volcano-tectonic processes using multi temporal and spatial analysis at active volcanic rift zones (Kilauea volcano, Hawaii) Joel Ruch 2022
MARKMANN Thorsten UNIBE E‑Mail The geochemical record of metamorphic fluid-rock interaction in subducted terranes
MARRO Adeline UNIFR E‑Mail Kinematics of the Jura Fold-and-Thrust Belt Prof. Jon Mosar 2025
MIKAELIAN Cindy EPFL E‑Mail Cristobalite Formation in Synthetic Glasses through the Role of Mineralizing Agents in Alteration Experiments Alexandra Kushnir
Marie Violay
MIRANDA Mara UNIGE E‑Mail Experimental Petrology - Heavy halogens as tracers of magma degassing and fluid-assisted mass transfer within transcrustal magma reservoirs Professor Zoltan Zajacz 2024
MIRANDA MURUZABAL Martin UNIGE E‑Mail Tracing the thermo-chemical evolution of volcanic plumbing systems using machine learning, numerical modelling and statistics Luca Caricchi 2028
MUSU Alessandro UNIGE E‑Mail Quantifying the thermo-chemical evolution of magma reservoirs using mineral chemistry: a combined experimental and statistical approach Professor Luca Caricchi
NEVSKAYA Natalia UNIBE E‑Mail Rheology of fine-grained granitoid fault rocks. 2024
NITSCHE Christoph UNIFR E‑Mail Soapstones in North-Eastern Madagascar: Exploitation, Production and Trade of Stones and Pots by the Rasikajy Civilisation (ca. 700 - 1700 AD) Prof. Vincent Serneels 2022
PACCHIEGA Luca UNIBE E‑Mail Redistribution of heat-producing elements and melt transfer in the lower crust. Prof. Daniela Rubatto, University of Bern.
Prof. György Hetényi, University of Lausanne.
PANZA Elisabetta UNIGE E‑Mail Magma and tectonic interactions at fossil (Oman) and active (Iceland) divergent plate boundaries using structural geology and analogue modelling Joël Ruch 2024
QUIRINO FERREIRA Jaqueline UNIGE E‑Mail Trace gases and isotopes - center for life in the universe 2026
REPAC Marko UNIL E‑Mail Geochemistry of Xenoliths in Lamproites from Leucite hills volcanic field (Wyoming,US) Sébastien Pilet
REYES HARDY María-Paz UNIGE E‑Mail Volcanic multi-hazard assessment of selected areas of the Central, Southern and Austral Volcanic Zones of the Andes. Costanza Bonadonna
RODIER Jean UNIFR E‑Mail Petrology of smithing slag Vincent Serneels
SANTOS João UNIGE E‑Mail The role of diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana in the mercury cycle Professor Vera Slaveykova 2024
SARRAF Fateme UNIBE E‑Mail Additive manufacturing of silicate ceramics 2023
SCHERZER Sophie UNIFR E‑Mail Sulfur transfer and redox processes in subduction zones Prof. Dr. Esther Schwarzenbach
SCHMID Timothy UNIBE E‑Mail Analogue modelling of oblique rifting in continental lithosphere Guido Schreurs 2022
SCHMIDT Chantal UNIBE E‑Mail Quantification of sediment cascades in Alpine basins Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
Brian McArdell
SCHUSTER Bennet UNIBE E‑Mail Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE): The ICDP drill site 5068-1 in the Tannwald Basin. Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Prof. Frank Preusser
SECRETAN Alexia UNIL E‑Mail DIVE - Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE. An international scientific project to probe the deep continental crust and its transition to the mantle. Othmar Müntener
SENGER Martin UNIGE E‑Mail Dating the Great Oxidation Event in the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa Urs Schaltegger
Joshua Davies
SIEGEL NAVARRO Nicole UNIFR E‑Mail The synthesis self-assembled dielectric optical nanoantennas(ONAs) with DNA origami Technique Guillermo P. Acuna
Pablo Albella
SIMIONATO Riccardo UNIGE E‑Mail Modelling of volcanic plumes Costanza Bonadonna
Jonas Latt
SONMEZ Safak utku UNIGE E‑Mail Late Cretaceous Epithermal Systems of the Lesser Caucasus and the Eastern Pontides: New Constraints From the Bolnisi Mining District, Georgia, and the Artvin District, Turkey
STUMPF Sebastian UNIBE E‑Mail Dehydration fluid element concentrations and fluid/mineral element distribution coefficients of hydrous mantle rocks with progressive subduction Prof. Thomas Pettke
Prof. Jörg Hermann
TAGLIAFERRI Alessia UNIL E‑Mail Unraveling the heat budget of the Lepontine dome: interdisciplinary geological, petrological, thermodynamic and geochronological study of shear zones Filippo Schenker
Stefan Schmalholz
TORO Diego UNIBE E‑Mail Resolving Earth’s lead paradox Suzette Timmerman
Martin Wille
TOUSSAINT Aurore UNIL E‑Mail Phosphorus in k-feldspar in siliceous magmas: Crystallization vs diffusion in metaluminous and peraluminous systems Othmar Müntener
TRUTTMANN Sandro UNIBE E‑Mail Seismo-Tectonics of the Valais: Unravelling the link between fault structures and seismic activity Prof. Marco Herwegh 2024
ULRICH Michelle UNIBE E‑Mail Constraints on dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones by oxygen isotopes Daniela Rubatto
Jörg Hermann
USLULAR Göksu UNIGE E‑Mail 3D modeling of Central Anatolian Maars Using Unmanned Air Vehicles and Comparison of Morphological, Depositional, Geophysical and Geochemical Characteristics Prof. Dr. Joel Ruch (UNIGE)
Prof. Dr. Gonca Gençalioğlu-Kuşcu (MSKU) Prof. Dr. Matteo Lupi (UNIGE)
VESIN Coralie UNIBE E‑Mail Oxygen isotopes investigation of oceanic serpentinization Prof. Daniela Rubatto (UniBE)
Prof. Thomas Pettke
VIEIRA DUARTE Joana Filipa UNIBE - Redox conditions and sulphide-oxide-silicate mineral and fluid geochemistry of subducted hydrous mantle rocks Prof. Thomas Pettke
VILELA Nicolas UNIBE E‑Mail Ti isotop fractionation during weathering and sedimentation Nicolas Greber
VISSER Reimer UNIBE E‑Mail Movement, preservation, and modification of depleted mantle in the sub-lithosphere, traced by superdeep diamond inclusions and xenoliths Prof. Dr. Suzette Timmerman
Prof. Dr. Jörg Hermann (University of Bern) Prof. Dr. Thomas Stachel (University of Alberta)
WANG Ting UNIGE E‑Mail Towards better understanding of the adverse outcome pathways of silver nanoparticles in freshwater gastropods
WANG Xuhui UNIGE E‑Mail Porphyry mineralization
WEBSTER Robert UNIBE E‑Mail Constraining subduction fluids through non-traditional stable isotopes Suzette Timmerman
Martin Wille
WOLF Robin UNIBE E‑Mail Source rocks and leaching processes for metals in VMS deposits Larryn W. Diamond 2024
WOLFFERS Mirjam UNIBE E‑Mail Spatially resolved chemical and mineralogical characterization of fly ash components with regard to heavy metal leaching potential Dr. Urs Eggenberger
XIA Wenjie UNIGE E‑Mail What key factor controls the distinct Au endowment of collisional porphyry deposits in Tibet? Massimo Chiaradia
Rui Wang
YAN Maoqiang UNIGE E‑Mail Study on the genesis of gold mineralization in the Yingzuishan area, the western segment of North Qilian Orogen
ZAPPATINI Anna UNIBE E‑Mail Examination of the flux of small meteorites via the study of fresh falls from Oman. Prof. Beda Hofmann
Prof. Edwin Gnos
ZHAN Weijia UNIBE E‑Mail deformation of fine-grained granitoid fault rocks