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Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE): The ICDP drill site 5068-1 in the Tannwald Basin.

Author Bennet SCHUSTER
Director of thesis Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Co-director of thesis Prof. Frank Preusser
Summary of thesis

Overdeepened glacial troughs were formed by subglacial erosion during past glaciations. The inlls of these overdeepenings often contain stacked and nested glacial sequences

that potentially represent the most complete direct archives of the past glaciations in the European Alps. The Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valley (DOVE) project currently

investigates these overdeepened glacial troughs all around the Alps with a series of scientic drillings performed under the umbrella of the International Continental Scientic

Drilling Program (ICDP). The DOVE project focuses on aspects of environmental dynamics during the Quaternary, especially on the glaciation, vegetation, and landscape history.

By a combined eort of scientists from across the Alps and beyond, DOVE will apply interdisciplinary state-of-the-art concepts and methods, to decipher the spatio-temporal

impact of the numerous glaciations on the Alps.

Status middle
Administrative delay for the defence 2024